A Collection of Featured Original Sculptures by Mo Lashbrook
To see more of my original sculpture work, visit the main portfolio page. If you have any questions, or if you’d like to commission a sculpture of your own, drop me a line on the contact page. Thanks for visiting!
A Collection of
Featured Original
Sculptures by
Mo Lashbrook
To see more of my original sculpture work, visit the main portfolio page. If you have any questions, or if you’d like to commission a sculpture of your own, drop me a line on the contact page. Thanks for visiting!

“Journey #2”
Mixed (ceramic, acrylic, birdhouse, and fiberglass on wood)
69 x 36 x 36
Journey #2 is a mixed media piece that represents self-transcendence. It was created from a bird house that was found on the bottom of a lake, part of a mannequin, and hand sculpted ceramic figures. Each floor of the birdhouse corresponds to a level in the self- transcendence hierarchy and each figure represents examples within that level. The hierarchy starts at the bottom with physiological and safety needs. Figures represent food, shelter, sex, sleep, and protection. The next level represents love and belonging, and it includes figures of family, work. The third level from bottom focus on cognitive and aesthetic needs. The figures represent knowledge, meaning, and balance. The final, top level is self-actualization and transcendence, and the figures showing helping others and praying. Journey #2 shows all struggles and work completed within oneself and acts as a visual map of how to move beyond physical needs to be a part of something larger than oneself.
“Centers of Power: Death/Life, Stagnation/Movement, Betrayal/Compassion, Loss/Awareness,
and Breaking/Growth”
Mixed (acrylic, paper, bird’s nest, and encaustics on fiberglass)
68 x 36 x 18 (each)
Centers of Power is a set of five sculptures that show pain as the source for new beginnings. Each sculpture takes the viewer on a journey of transcendence. To go beyond how we normally perceive experiences: from death can emerge an appreciation of life, from stagnation can the need for movement, from betrayal can come the importance for compassion, from loss can awaken an awareness, and from breaking can come growth. The sculptures were assembled with both man-made and perishable natural materials. The act of collecting and fitting things together is a constant life cycle. It is through this process of building and rebuilding that understanding is formed. These sculptures were part of the Nature of Transcendence exhibition at the Argenta Branch Laman Library Gallery in North Little Rock, AR.

“Nest #3”
Mixed (rope, extension cord, curtains, dye, thread, cheese cloth, branches, raffia grass, bird nest, and clothing patterns on wicker and metal dress stand)
108 x 66 x 72
Nest #3 was constructed from a dress maker’s stand, miscellaneous fibers and cords, a tree branch, and fabric birds. The birds were cut from a deceased loved one’s antique curtains, hand dyed, stitched together, and sewn onto the branches. Like the hues on the color wheel, the color and placement of the birds form a relationship. The body was woven together with man-made and natural materials forming a feminine root-like structure to support the tree, which supports the birds. Nest #3 represents the cycle of life- rooted and free, connected and purposeful. The beauty is better appreciated when you take a step back and see the whole picture. Nest #3 was part of the 57th Delta des Refuses exhibition at the Argenta Branch Laman Library Gallery in North Little Rock, AR.
To see more of my works, check out the full portfolio page. Thank you for viewing!
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